An Update on the Mitigation of the Spotted Lanternfly

There has been a considerable amount of field and laboratory research and practice on how to control and eliminate the spotted lanternfly, an invasive species of insect that is a grave threat to Pennsylvania’s and the region’s fruit industry. At … Continued

Pennsylvania’s Leading Agriculture Export: Hardwoods

Hardwood lumber from the United States is known throughout the word for its quality, beauty, and sustainability. However, did you know that Pennsylvania leads the nation in volume of hardwood growing stock and hardwood lumber exports? The forest products industry … Continued

Meet Dr. Scott Sheely, new Secretart of PSPA

Since becoming President on July 1, Scott has already brought his experience, connections and insights to PSPA field trips on urban agriculture (July), horticulture history to present time (August), and Longwood Gardens behind the scenes (September).  He spent the past … Continued

Meet New President Emory Dabney

Emory Dabney is founder and President of Toro Trading and Imports based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He has over 12 years of experience importing raw food commodities from the Caribbean, and South America. Emory specializes in developing supply chains in regions … Continued