“An Alternative to Conventional Iowa Farming: Growing Organic Corn and Soybeans”

“An Alternative to Conventional Iowa Farming: Growing Organic Corn and Soybeans”

Most of us know something about organic agriculture. However, the supply chain that leads to organic chicken well as organic ingredients for other products for human consumption is still being organized as farmers contend with the requirements of the organic label.

At our PSPA meeting on Thursday, February 1, 2024, PSPA member Julia Goplerud and her team offered us a case study on moving production of corn, soybeans, oats, and alfalfa from convention farming to organic farming at MJF Farm in West Bend, Iowa. Julia (and Shannon’s) family have owned this 640-acre section for 3 generations. Their first organic crop will be this coming year!

Organic farming in Iowa

-Iowa ranked sixth in the nation for the total number of certified organic farms with 799 farms in 2021, accounting for 5% of the nation’s total.

-Corn from grain had the highest total value of sales for organic commodities in -Iowa at $88 million, followed by soybeans, eggs, chickens and milk.

-The state led the nation in organic corn and organic soybean production in 2017.

Why consider organic farming after years of conventional farming?

-Operator with identified markets and a well established organic farming operation located close to existing farms

-Part of a community of organic farmers who share knowledge and best practices

-Farming practices focus on maintaining or enhancing soil health and fertility

-Price of organic corn is higher than non-organic corn

-Owners with multiple farms may want to diversify farming practices

Go to the link below to see the entire presentation…


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