A Visit with the Secretaries of Agriculture II

What’s happening in agriculture in our region?  Who better to ask than Secretaries of Agriculture of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Michael T. Scuse was reappointed by Governor John C. Carney as Delaware Secretary of Agriculture in January 2017. … Continued

PSPA at Longwood Gardens for a Tour Behind the Scenes

Happy to be the part-time Secretary (like Administrator) of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, the oldest (1785) agricultural society in the country. Our monthly meeting in October took us to Longwood Gardens which is one of the premier horticultural … Continued

In Memoriam: Francis “Nick” DuPont (26-22)

Please join PSPA in expressing sympathy at the passing of Francis ‘Nick’ DuPont, a long time PSPA member, passed away on July 21, 2022.  See his obituary https://www.delawareonline.com/obituaries/wnj125002 which mentions his connection to PSPA.  Condolence cards can be sent to Maria du … Continued

In Memoriam, Thomas Dolan IV (23-21)

Thomas Dolan IV, 98, of Lafayette Hill, a celebrated conservationist who identified a new category of mayfly; the former executive director of the Wissahickon Valley Watershed Association, now Wissahickon Trails; and the former president of the Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter of … Continued

An Update on the Mitigation of the Spotted Lanternfly

There has been a considerable amount of field and laboratory research and practice on how to control and eliminate the spotted lanternfly, an invasive species of insect that is a grave threat to Pennsylvania’s and the region’s fruit industry. At … Continued