See October’s Virtual Meeting on Covid’s effect on the Distribution of Farm Produce and Retailers

See October’s Virtual Meeting on Covid’s effect on the Distribution of Farm Produce and Retailers

Caught in the Middle: The Covid’s Effect on the Distribution of Farm Produce and Retailers, presented by Jonathan K. Steffy, V.P. & General Manager; Four Seasons Produce, Ephrata, PA, on a virtual meeting on October 1, 2020.

Using Powerpoint, Mr. Steffy will introduce the business of Four Seasons Produce, including a walk through the plant, the loading zones and views of their solar panel field. He will then take us through the challenges and adjustments his company faced starting in March 2020 with the Covid lockdown and staying open as an essential business. As a distributor, Four Seasons was trying to meet the higher demand coming from retailers while food service was closed and at the same time support growers grappling with supply chain hiccups and uncertainty. Both changed. Four Seasons, with their own staffing problems, worked to mitigate the challenges on both sides and keep fresh food moving.


Click here to see a recording of the meeting.