PSPA President Appoints Committee Chairs

PSPA President Appoints Committee Chairs

Following the election of officers by the PSPA membership, President Jessica McAtamney appointed the Chairs of Committees for the 2024-2025 program year. The appointments were made to maximize the leadership on the Executive Committee and to recruit members who have an interest in participating on the Committees. Most meetings happen once a month and are virtual in these day where Zoom makes it easier to collaborate.

Committees and Chairs include:

  • Membership (Arland Hotchkiss, Co-Chair; Emory Dabney, Co-Chair)
  • Activities (Michael Fidanza, Chair; Jessica McAtamney, Arland Hotchkiss)
  • Education (Carl Brown, Chair)
  • Historical and Library (Michael McGrath, Chair)
  • Finance and Investments (Raechel Sattazahn, Chair)
  • Communications (Robert Grenfell, Chair; Lizzie Bailey, Douglas Fisher)
  • Urban Agriculture (Tiffany Turrentine, Chair)
  • At-Large, Religious (Bert Jicha)
  • At-Large, Awards (Mark Haskins)

If you have an interest in serving, reach out to Dr. Scott J. Sheely, Secretary, at