President Allison Urges Attendance in June

President Allison Urges Attendance in June

Rasmussen To Bring Concluding Program

Our whole program this year has been focused on understanding what sustainability means when used in relation to agriculture. We have been fortunate in having many distinguished speakers who have been able to describe sustainability in relation to land use and water purity, waste, livestock production, research and development, education, public landscapes and sustaining our farmers with the knowledge, technology and capital to succeed.

Sustainability is a global concern in view of our exploding population and lack of suitable land for expanding intensive food production. This is certainly the case in the Corn Belt which has become the center for our massive exports of corn and soybeans.

Sustainability is a vital component if we are to maintain this lead and so none better than our final speaker to help us understand the situation. Dr. Mark Rasmussen is Executive Director of the Leopold Institute for Sustainable Agriculture at the University of Iowa, Ames, Iowa. He has had a very successful career as a veterinary microbiologist and research administrator in government and private industry.

His home background is in farming and his interest has been in the big picture view of agriculture in spite of his research focus on livestock and microbiology. He recognizes the need for the adjustment of our economics so as to be able to operate within an integrated and sustainable agricultural cropping system.

Dr. Rasmussen will discuss Midwestern issues related to soil degradation, water quality, nutrient management, and intensive crop and livestock production. He will explore the pressures global demand is placing upon our agricultural resources and the efforts to integrate production with sustainability.

Don’t miss this conclusion of our Sustainability Program!
