At the May 6, 2021 Annual Meeting of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, the membership elected a new officer team for 2021-2022 that includes Dr. Scott Sheely, President; Emory Dabney, President-Elect; Penny Hunt; Immediate Past President; Dr. Arland Hotchkis, 1st Vice-President; and Pamela Hicks, 2nd Vice-President; Jessica McAtamney, Secretary; and Charles Humphreys, Treasurer.
Dr. Sheely appointed committee chairs including Dr. Kevin Hicks, Membership; Emory Dabney, Activities; Dr. Carl Brown, Education; Michael McGrath, Historical and Library; Richard O’Donnell, Finance and Investment; Pamela Hicks, Communications with Marilyn Horner, Religion; and Mark Haskins, Awards at-large members.
Outgoing President Penny Hunt provided an overview of the year including the strategic planning process implement by the Society. Dr. Sheely spoke to ongoing activites related to the Strategic Plan including By-Law revisions and Membership and Communications Plans that complete it. Penny thanked the Transition Committee that has been shepherding the Plan process. She also attested to the need for more involvement by the Society with agricultural education programs for youth.
Treasurer Charles Humphreys led a discussion of the proposed budget for 2021-2022 which was approved unanimously. Dr. Sheely introduced the program schedule for 2021 which includes four field trips, three in-person meetings, with the balance being virtual meetings. The individual membership of Joshua Scheinberg was approved along with the institutional membership of the Pennsylvania Horticulture Society.
Dr. Sheely thanked President Penny Hunt for her leadership over the course of the year on behalf of the membership of the Society.