Please consider a donation to one or more of the following activities. Once you click the link, you will be directed away from
Mark Allam PSPA Library FundThis fund is used to acquire, maintain, and repair the large collection of rare and historical agricultural books that are owned by the Society and kept at the Library of the University of Pennsylvania. |
Fred Winter Scholarship FundEach year, PSPA provides two awards in the amount of $1,700.00 to recognize two outstanding college Juniors or Seniors majoring in horticulture. Students must be interested in employment in the horticulture industry or in furthering their education in graduate school. Contributions will be used to sustain or expand the program. |
Donation to Promote Agriculture
Ralph Bartholomew Memorial FundEducator Ralph Bartholomew was the long-time Secretary of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. He was also an agriculture education leader at the W.B. Saul Agriculture High School in Philadelphia. These funds support for projects that enhance opportunities for young people interested in careers in agriculture. |
William B. Murphy FundDonations to, and distributions from, this fund finance activities of the Society that are not covered by the annual dues of $160 per member. In honor of William B. “Bev” Murphy, President of PSPA and CEO of Campbell’s Soup in the 1980’s. |
Student Luncheon FundStudents are frequent visitors to the PSPA meeting at the Union League. This Fund provides support for these visitors who are important prospective stakeholders of the Society. Contributions cover the luncheon expenses of students and their teachers who attend our meetings. |
Speaker Hospitality FundFrom time to time, speakers for monthly programs of the Society require support for travel expenses and an occasional honorarium. This Fund offers a consistent resource when support is needed for speakers. |
General DonationComplete this to contribute to PSPA for other causes and needs. |