Philly Connects: Agriculture and Environment Working Together

Philly Connects: Agriculture and Environment Working Together

The Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture launched its 2024-2025 program year with the workshop, “Philly Connects: Agriculture and Environment Working Together” on August 15, 2024. Representatives from schools, businesses, and agencies across the greater Philadelphia area gathered for lunch and conversation in Roxborough at Lankenau High School, Philadelphia School District’s flagship environmental science school, with the goal of a better understanding of the links and connections that join agriculture and the environment.

Jessica McAtamney, PSPA President and Principal at Lankenau, welcomed agricultural communities in ecology, sustainability, agroecology, natural resource management, urban forestry, urban growing, agricultural education, and other issues, trends and ideas related to the greater Philadelphia region growing and greening. Participants included public school teachers, university professors, members of government, non-profit organizations, and entrepreneurs.

Throughout the afternoon, conversation centered around the intersections of the various agricultural and environmental missions, and the commonality of their purposes. Round table discussions raised issues and proposed solutions for safeguarding soil and water, supporting nutritional and agricultural education, and addressing historic inequities.

A common thread was the need for effective education beginning at the preschool level, through middle years education aligning with the new Pennsylvania STEELS standards, and continuing with local outreach to communities. It was widely agreed that whether involved in formal education or neighborhood programming, all collaborators are teachers and learners of agriculture and ecology.

Hopefully the first of many such discussions, this workshop generated excitement for regular cross-sector partnering meetings, the creation of new funding models, improved workforce development and land stewardship, and the cultivation of a welcoming culture aimed at removing barriers and providing access to resources.