McAtamney Leads New Officer Team

McAtamney Leads New Officer Team

As of July 1, 2024, Jessica McAtamney took over as President of PSPA with a team of officers including veteran and newcomers. Jonathan Hoffmeier, Treasurer, is a math teacher in the School District of Philadelphia. Tiffany Turrentine, first Vice-President, teaches agriculture at Saul Agricultural High School in the City. Robert Glenfell, second Vice-President, leads the judging at the PA Flower Show after retiring from his horticulture business and a career with Verizon. Doug Fisher is the retired Secretary of Agriculture for New Jersey, still interested in agricultural issues. The full list of officers includes:

  • President (Jessica McAtamney)
  • President-Elect (Michael Fidanza)
  • Immediate Past President (Arland Hotchkiss)
  • Vice-Presidents (3) (Tiffany Turrentine, Robert Grenfell, Vacant)
  • Secretary (Scott Sheely)
  • Treasurer (Jonathan Hoffmeier)
  • At-Large (Emory Dabney, Lizzie Bailey, Carl Brown, Michael McGrath, Raechel Sattazahn, Robert Grenfell, Douglas Fisher, Bert Jicha, Mark Haskins)

The Officers and At-Large members form the Executive Committee which normally meets the first Thursday of each month before the monthly program but the schedule may change to accommodate scheduling.  Many meetings are held virtually

For more information, contact Dr. Scott J. Sheely, Secretary at