WHYY Film on Malt and Grains

WHYY’S MOVERS & MAKERS: THE GRAIN CHAIN featured Deer Creek Malthouse in a special episode exploring Pennsylvania’s grain production (past, present and future). WHYY has produced a video featuring Deer Creek and Mark Brault of PSPA. Checkout this important video about … Continued

AgriMarketing: Food Price Changes During the Pandemic

USDA recently released data on the changes in food prices during the pandemic. AgriMarketing reports on recent USDA data concerning food prices during the covid-19 pandemic. it is not surprising that most food price categories increased, some even dramatically, during these trying … Continued

February’s Virtual Meeting – Nuffield Scholars

Click Here for Meeting Video Nuffield International Farming Scholars Ed Kee, president of Nuffield USA, and former Secretary of Agriculture for Delaware (and former member of PSPA) presented an engaging presentation covering the work of Nuffield around the world and … Continued

PSPA welcomed Dr. Anna Dilger, PhD to the November Meeting

PSPA welcomed Dr. Anna Dilger, PhD to the November Meeting. The virtual meeting focused on Producing Food Products from Cultured Animal Tissues. Anna Dilger, PhD; Associate Professor of Muscle Biology and Meat Science Department of Animal Sciences, University of Illinois … Continued