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Scout Executive Dan Templar and Conservation Committee Chair Bob Hartman will discuss the Cradle of Liberty Council, BSA success with USDA Natural Resources Conservation Resources grants for Musser Scout Reservation in Green Lane, PA and Resica Falls Scout Reservation near East Strasburg, PA. Both camps are protected by Nature Conservancy Trusts with the grants funding good forest management programs while at the same time providing scout camping and STEM opportunities. Union League
- Thursday, October 5, 2023 with meet and greet at 11:30 am.; luncheon at noon; and program at 1:00 pm.
- Registration fee is $35 and pre-registration is required. Vegetarian meals are available in scheduled at registration. Register by contacting pspaonline@gmail.com with the name(s) of the people attending, their affiliations, and emails.
- Make check out to Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture and mail to PSPA Treasurer, 816 Brookwood Lane,
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010. - Click here and follow the link to purchase your ticket for luncheon meetings with PayPal or Credit Card.
- Dress Code at Union League is Business Casual – collared shirts, long pants (not jeans) for men; for women, long pants (not jeans), skirts, dresses and business casual tops
Contact Scott Sheely at pspaonline@gmail.com with any questions. Registrations ends by COB on Monday, October 2, 2023.